Sunday, December 17, 2006

"Children are our future and parents are there last line of defense"

My thoughts are how are we going to became a better nation and better people if we don't teach our children what they are supposed to be taught. People are always talking about what can we do about anything. I am not the president I am not in control how can I make a differance. If you want to fight the good fight for the greater good of mankind it starts with the children. Our children out here in the world are smarter and faster than we will ever be when it comes to brain power they are going to be like a super sponge taking in everything and anything because of the way technology is going. The internet the computer can advance the mind in so many ways but both good and bad. Are you willing to step up to the plate and when that cross road comes up in front of your child are you ready to steer them in the right direction or are you going to let the higher powers that be do it for you. Like violent movies, commercial advertisement that tell your kids what to play with, what to look like, how to act. Are you willing to let the music industry chant there messages over and over into your childs brains. Telling them to sell drugs, do drugs, kill people you hate, have no regard for parents or figures of authority. Telling you daughters that it is ok to take off your close and be a stripper just to make a quick dollar. All I hear out here in the world is you got to get you money and I am not seeing any good morality behind it. All I see is a world headed for destruction if the good people do not step up and do something about it. The same way that you children are being poisoned by the television and music and part of the internet you as parents have to give your children the cure to this disease that is being influenced on you children. You are the key to starting it all. The world is full of babysitters out there to take care of your kid will you are at work or just not paying attention to what your child is doing. But the point I am trying to get to is what is the babysitter exactly teaching my child. If you don't know what is being taught to you child turn up the radio and the TV alittle louder so you can listen to some of this trash. I feel that higher powers are turning you children brains to mindless mush at the point when I know that the magnet energy that children minds are giving off . We have to put the right programs into there mind or things are going to be worst off then they are now. There is a war going on and it is not only in iraq it is going on right here on the ground against your children. Take a stand and bear arms your weapon of destruction will be you love and your compasion for you child and that alone will make you child a vessel and a leader for good morality. And when they become the masters of control watch what they will be broadcasting over the air ways. Nothing but good thing for the next generation after them. That is why when we where in high school they called us Generation X because we where unpredictable and it was going to be our generation who is going to decided or fate and our future. In the fight for freedom if your going to be a bear make sure your are a grizzly if not for anybody do it for your kids. Thank you for reading my thoughts too all myspace friends Happy Holidays. Quote: (GenerationX) + (Our Children) = a positive future!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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