Saturday, March 28, 2009

Wrestiling with Principalities

Wrestling with Principalities
Written by Ken Garrison
The question often arises why the United States must be the "police force" for the world. Why is it that US forces must be the ones used to restrain Saddam Hussein? Why must the US concern itself with the balance of power in the Balkans? Why should the US be engaged in the process of dividing up the land of Israel and giving significant parts of it to the Palestinians? These questions should be troubling to every American and, especially, every American believer. We submit that the problem arises from demonic influence on the national level.
Operation of a Demon Spirit on a Personal Level


A demon-spirit has a given capacity to influence a person toward the specific activity associated with that particular demon-spirit.


In order to understand the more general problem of demonic control or manipulation of an entire nation, we will consider demonic manipulation of a single individual. Consider the demon-spirit of lust. Lust is a demon-spirit that turns the natural drive of reproduction into unnatural sexual expression. We define a demon-spirit as a spiritual entity with the capacity to manipulate a host (person) to participate in destructive activity. Some characteristics of demon-spirits include: (a) they are always present, (b) they continually seek to be manifested, and (c) they have no ability to repent or change. A demon-spirit is comparable to a vector quantity in physics. A vector quantity has magnitude in a given direction. Thus, a demon-spirit has a given capacity to influence a person toward the specific activity associated with that particular demon-spirit. In the case of lust, the demon-spirit has the capacity to influence a person to become sexually engaged in an immoral activity. Typically, the demon-spirit perverts a natural, God-given drive into something unnatural and destructive.
A demon-spirit requires a human host in order to be manifested in the physical realm. The host must yield itself to the expression of the demon-spirit for it to be manifested. If the host considers God's law as defining acceptable and unacceptable activity, then the influence of the demon-spirit will simply be rejected. Evil spirits always attempt to influence a person to act contrary to the Law of God. If the host is ignorant of God's law or chooses to ignore God's law, then he may choose to give manifestation to the demon-spirit. This invariably ends in the destruction of the host.

The only solution for the host is deliverance. The demon-spirit must be expelled and the host must commit to return to the natural, God-given function. If the demon-spirit is not expelled, it will continually lead the host into a pattern of ever-increasing perversion and destruction.

Operation of a Demon Spirit on a National Level
Most have little difficulty envisioning a demon-spirit operating on an individual level, but it is much more difficult to envision the same process on a national level. The process is essentially the same; however, in the latter case, the demon-spirit seeks to be manifested through an entire nation rather than through an individual. The demon-spirit that seeks to be manifested through a national entity is the spirit of "global dominance". The demon-spirit of "global dominance", like the individual demon of lust, (a) is always present, (b) continually seeks to be manifested, and (c) cannot change or repent. Following the Scriptural pattern recorded in Daniel 10:20, we will call this demon-spirit of "global dominance" the "Prince of America".
When God judged Babel (Genesis 11:1-9), He scattered the people and in the process formed the nations. Hence, each nation represents an entity formed directly by the will and activity of God. The nation itself is not an evil entity. Some scholars believe that the instructions given to Noah following the flood (Genesis 9) include the requirements for the formation of governments. If we interpret this section of Scripture in this manner, we can conclude that God intended man to form national governments. The activity of God at Babel essentially expelled the demon-spirit of "global dominance" from his chosen host. In every age he has sought other suitable hosts through which he could be manifested.

In order to understand the nature of the perversion that has engulfed the US over the past 50 years, we will consider the natural function of the government of this nation. We may understand the intentions and purposes of those who were instrumental in the formation of the United States of America by considering the Preamble of the Constitution. According to this document, the natural function of the government of the United States is to (a) establish justice, (b) provide domestic tranquility, (c) provide for the common defense, (d) promote the general welfare, and (e) secure the blessing of liberty. The Constitution was drawn up to define how the fulfillment of these very elementary functions would be pursued. Please note that there is nothing in this document concerning "global dominance"; this is not a natural function of the government of the United States. However, the spirit of "global dominance" is ever present and waits for a weakness in the host that would allow it to be manifested.

The opportunity for the manifestation of the demon of "global dominance" occurred at the end of World War II.


The opportunity for the manifestation of the demon of "global dominance" occurred at the end of World War II. At that time, the United States emerged as the undisputed military leader of the world; it was the undisputed industrial leader of the world; and it was the victor in the recent worldwide struggle. Finally, the United States possessed the ultimate weapon: the atomic bomb. At the conclusion of WWII in 1945, two paths were open to the US: (a) it could return to the natural function of government defined above, or (b) it could be host to the demon-spirit of "global dominance". Obviously it chose the latter path.

At the end of WWI, President Wilson attempted to get the US into the posture of "global dominance" by joining the League of Nations. However, the people of the US resisted this attempt and forced the government to return to the natural functions of government outlined in the Preamble. No such resistance was exercised at the end of WWII.

The effort toward global dominance was directed by the formation of the United Nations. The UN would be the instrument used to entice all nations to participate in this global "democratic process", i.e., the General Assembly. Meanwhile the real power was reserved for the Security Council. The Security Council was designed to be controlled by its permanent members with the US commanding the dominant position. In reality, the USSR challenged US dominance for 40 years. This was known as the "Cold War". In the end, the US prevailed and emerged as the lone "superpower". Today we have a global government (the UN) which serves as an instrument to enact those policies that are important for the US to maintain "global dominance".

Following WWII, the US was the only major economy that had been strengthened during the war. Most major industrial powers had been devastated during the war. The US moved to develop international commerce by encouraging the establishment of free-market economies throughout the world. At that time industries in the US prospered greatly. Eventually US-centered industrial giants branched out to become the multi-national corporations of our day. Today, there is one interconnected global economy built upon the cornerstone of the US economy. Because of this, the US is committed to intervene anytime any major player gets into trouble.

The advance in technology has been and continues to be essential for the US to maintain global dominance.


In the 50 years since WWII, there has been an amazing development of technology in the world. Just like industrial progress, this development has been centered in the US. The advance in technology has been and continues to be essential for the US to maintain global dominance. Therefore, enormous resources are continually invested in research and development. As a result, the US military is equipped with the most amazing weapons of war. Surely, any nation that would consider challenging US dominance would have to give serious thought to the impact of being on the receiving end of these weapons. This was demonstrated in the Persian Gulf War. The only real challenge today is terrorism.

Since the "Prince of America" has been manifested through the US, Americans have experienced two major trends. The first is material prosperity and national pride. The era following WWII in the US has been unprecedented. The country has become rich with houses, cars, boats, and all kinds of trinkets that supposedly make our lives more easy and enjoyable. In addition to material prosperity, the people have become puffed up with pride. No longer do they ask why the US is sending troops to interfere in the quarrels of other regions of the world. It is taken for granted that this is simply the responsibility of America. This nation is proud to bear it.

A second trend that has resulted from being a willing host to the "Prince of America" is that the nation has suffered great moral degeneration. Many ask today how a once relatively righteous nation could now give expression to every form of evil. We witness the plagues of abortion, homosexuality, destroyed families, hatred, lying, murder, drugs, and so forth. This nation is experiencing a downward spiral of destruction which appears to have no end. Indeed, this is just exactly what we would expect of a nation that has given itself over to demonic manifestation. We understand that the individual who gives himself over to demonic control is invariably destroyed. Exactly the same thing is happening on a national level. There are real questions of how much further things can develop before the society collapses.

A final sign of coming doom resulting from being host to the "Prince of America" is that the nation takes an anti-God, anti-Christ stand in the world. This can be seen in the fact that the US is at the center of activities intended to divide up the land of Israel. Both the prophets Joel and Zechariah issued stern warnings against those who would attempt to divide up God's land (Joel 3:2) and determine the disposition of Jerusalem (Zechariah 12:1-3). The US has been engaged in these activities for the entire life of the modern state of Israel. An even greater deception exists because the US continually portrays itself as a great friend of Israel while exerting its power to destroy Israel. The end result is God's very personal and powerful judgment of America.

How should believers respond to this situation? The most important step is to recognize the nature of what has happened over the past 50 years. Believers are called to be witnesses against the evil manifested in their societies. We must also speak out in light and truth. Do not be deluded by the deception of our age. Do not become a willing participant in the manifestation of the "Prince of America".

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Friday, March 27, 2009

Angels & Demons

Angels & Demons
God’s “chariots” number “...tens of thousands and thousands of thousands” (Psalm 68:17a), driven by angels (all created by God) numbering “...thousands upon thousands, and ten thousand times ten thousand” (Dan. 7:10b; Rev. 5:11a). Literally translated, the phrase “myriads of myriads” is used here, indicating a virtually unlimited, almost countless number of angels. The activities of all angels, good or bad, are commanded or allowed by God.

Satan spearheads the war of evil against good—in the heavenlies and on earth. However, since he can be in only one place at a time (unlike the Holy Spirit, Who is everywhere at once—Psalm 139:7), God has granted him permission to utilize a host of spiritual beings to do his work. Evil spiritual entities are quite real, initially created to be officials of good (as was Lucifer/Satan) but which were deceived by Satan (just as we are deceived by him) to turn away from good and to embrace evil instead.

Not being omniscient, omnipotent, nor omnipresent, as God is, Satan cannot know about nor control every activity of each angel who has chosen to do evil. Thus, his kingdom is one in which internal corruption and lust for personal gain among the fallen angels cause many of Satan’s plans and undertakings to fail, as these angels often do what they feel will benefit themselves with little regard for Satan or other evil angels. (This, of course, is common among humans as well.) Jesus aptly stated, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined...” (Matt. 12:25a).

The Bible appears to show that Satan has induced one-third of the angels (sometimes referred to as “stars”—Judg. 5:20a) to lose their citizenship in heaven (Rev. 12:3,4a), as he himself did (Ezek. 28:16b,17b—see “heavenly citizenship revoked”: C-7, P-I), although they still have retained the privilege of accessing heaven (Job 1:6, 2:1). At the midpoint of the future 70th Week, however, they (along with Satan) permanently will be thrown out of and banned from heaven by all the good angels, led by the archangel Michael (Rev. 12:7-9—see “middle of the 70th Week”: C-12, P-III, S-1). And they will, with Satan, be engaged in the final, climactic wars involving mankind upon the earth.